Occupier Module

Occupier Module

Occupier Module

  • By Nan Davis
  • iconOct 30, 2023
  • icon214
  • icon0

The Occupier module.

Empowers agents to seamlessly manage the entire lifecycle of tenants or owner-occupiers, offering an array of key functionalities, such as:

  1. Document Management: Enjoy precise control over your documents with version tracking.
  2. Lease Data Extraction: Automatically populate critical lease dates and terms.
  3. Renewal Tracking: Stay on top of lease renewals, with comprehensive activity histories and timely notifications to facilitate deal tracking.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: Access insightful tools for portfolio oversight.
  5. Task Assignment: Enhance proactive customer relationship management through task delegation.

The end result is a powerful occupier module that doubles as lease accounting software. It unifies all stakeholders in the leasing process by providing a single, reliable source of truth, eliminating duplicate entries.

A pivotal element of day-to-day lease management is seamless team collaboration. Real-time data sharing among agents, operations, coordinators, and accounting teams reduces the need for time-consuming data verification and allows for more data-driven decision-making.

By consolidating leases within the central Occupier module and eradicating the reliance on siloed paperwork and spreadsheets, you gain complete visibility into deal pipelines, upcoming renewals, critical dates, accounting workflows, and performance reporting. This integration of occupier tracking within your market is indispensable for effective lease asset management.

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Read more: Critical Dates

About the Author

Nan Davis

Nan Davis

As CTO Nan isĀ spearheading efforts to elevate the brand awareness of Slick Cactus within the commercial real estate industry.

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